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Les services aux nouveaux arrivants à Hamilton
Obtenez de l'aide en matière d'emploi, de compétences linguistiques, d'éducation, de transport et de vie civique afin de vous sentir chez vous à Hamilton.
"I was also really happy when I found a caseworker and organizations that helped me. Everything changed after that."
SafaConnected with Immigrant Working Centre
“I think the first time where Hamilton truly felt like home is within our Ismaili community. So within our local Mosque, or Jamatkhana. They were able to guide us through the entire settlement process. Where to look for housing, how to apply for credit cards, the banking."
NekeeOn the importantance of informal supports
“This settlement organization helped me to learn about the different facilities and programs provided by the government for newcomers. I participated in job-search workshops, financial literacy programs, which helped me to understand that I need to go to school to upgrade my credentials and skills.”
SadieHighlighted as a local immigration success story in The Hamilton Spectator
“Get involved with the community. Take advantage of the all possible courses and programs. If you are not confident about your language skills, improve your English and communication skills”
MariaA Hamilton-based immigrant featured in the newspaper